New normal: digital marketing lessons and tips for your company in times of pandemic

Digital Marketing
August 3, 2022

And then suddenly the world changes, we all have to leave the house using masks, alcohol gel is more important than drinking water and we can no longer give kisses and hugs to those we love. Well, that is not all. With the whole world scenario caused by covid-19, it wasn't just social distancing that was implemented. The main change in the area of marketing, communication and sales was, of course, the transformation in consumption habits.

The advancement of technology in recent years is something that will already be reported in the history books of the next generations. However, what nobody could foresee is that a health pandemic would affect practically everyone on the planet and our lifestyle would change completely. But it happened. Companies and workers were gradually adapting to digital, inserting their products and identities on the world wide web, getting used to making calls and holding meetings via Skype and, thinking, as a future plan, of building a huge e-commerce structure.

However, the coronavirus made this “gradual adaptation” an obligation and, what could be done in two years, had to be done in two weeks. The “new normal” or, using the title of one of the famous Netflix series, “The orange is the new black”, meant that companies and professionals had to remodel their entire way of doing business, overnight, without warning and without planning.

Well, suddenly your website, which used to be an alternative sales channel, a means of capturing possible leads or even a showcase for your products or services, became the “storefront” of your business, without even asking if it was your wish. It is, and it's not just the website, but the set of tools and media on the web: pages, social networks, sales funnels, email marketing, blogs, SEO, Instagram and Facebook Ads, Google Ads, etc.

And now, what should be done? Well, the way is to be part of the digital revolution, not staying out of it or fighting against it. The companies that are left behind will be dismissed by those who regulate the law of supply and demand, in which we can now also include delivery and convenience: the consumer. Here at MAVERICK 360, in addition to doing all the digital marketing planning for your business, we have prepared a list of tips for you to improve your consumer's experience on your online channels, see below.


1 - Prioritize what matters

There is no point in having millions of far-fetched ideas to make and happen in electronic media, if your brand doesn't have a good structure already created (is it possible to be created this quickly? Yes, of course, talk to us here at this link). Call a team of professionals to create this structure, if it does not exist, or assess whether there is any aspect of the textual content or design that is harming your brand image and interfering with a good consumer experience. If any, these points must be adjusted and then the channels can be optimized.

The main issues to consider at this first moment are the performance of your website and its connection with your other online channels, in addition to the conversion percentage. A second step is to improve customer support and also invest time and creativity in real, attention-grabbing promotions.


2 - Timeliness and Effectiveness

Extremely important: optimize the speed of your website, after all, it has become your main sales channel, so invest in it. The reason is simple: with the closure of physical spaces, more and more people are shopping online. This can overload your website if it doesn't support the traffic and consequently your business ends up losing customers.


3 - Payment

Here, at this stage, which is already considered the bottom of the funnel, as we usually call it in inbound marketing, the consumer needs and must have the perfect experience. An addendum: according to a recent Google survey, 76% of smartphone users are more likely to buy from companies whose websites or apps allow them to purchase easily and quickly. Thus it is worth checking and improving this system, if necessary. In addition, communication and support must be agile, efficient and prepared to promptly resolve any issues the customer may have.


4 - Use highlight areas for critical information

Also according to the same Google research, more than 50% of internet users want to know when they are going to make a purchase over the internet, how the chosen company is behaving and what actions are being taken during the pandemic. Use your website's homepage to convey this sensitive information to customers while remaining authentic. But it is important to show, especially at this moment, what measures your company is taking in the health crisis, if employees are working from home, how is the delivery system, what are the attitudes and positioning of the brand before the community, etc.


5 - Create relevant offers and promotions

The temporary closure of non-essential businesses has caused not only consumer behavior to change, but also their priorities to be drastically changed. Question if what you are offering on your online channels is really relevant and attractive. An important point is: is your company promoting and investing in advertisements for products and services that can really help the audience right now? To give you an idea, according to Google, 40% of consumers in the US had difficulties finding essential products in the online universe and also ended up purchasing from unknown brands or that they did not usually buy outside the crisis.

 *To help discover the constantly changing habits of the population, Think with Google created a page updated in real time with purchase and click data.. Click here to access.


6 - Creativity: adapt campaigns

Check, along with your marketing team, if the campaigns that are on the air match the "new normal", necessary products, schedules, among other points. Some actions that should be taken:

  • Direct consumers to your website, instead of calling them to the physical store;
  • Target ads and campaigns only to regions where you can serve the costumers and deliver your service or product;
  • Make messages more creative, relevant, and most importantly, empathetic. Add value to any and all content that your company publishes;
  • Use automated solutions.


7 - Integrate your brand channels

Be consistent and integrated with your company's communication channels. There is no use your social networks having super relevant information, being updated with campaigns, a great design and, when the customers are taken to the website, they come across with an old and not very functional layout. In this way, it is very likely that the conversion will not happen. Furthermore, in this turbulent period, people are increasingly looking for information on the internet. So keep your channels always up to date, including opening hours both on your media and websites and on the Google Business tool.

Would you like some assistance with your brand’s digitalization? Contact us!

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+55 41 99954 7416

Fabíola Cottet
Sócia-diretora | Jornalista
É co-autora do livro "Em pauta: manual prático da comunicação organizacional", publicado pela Editora Intersaberes. Jornalista, especialista em assessoria de imprensa e gestão de crise.

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